Port-to-Port Shipment Agreement Contract No. 2 Agreement entered into effective as of … (Effective Date) for one year, between … (SHIPPER), with a principal place of business at …, and CARRIER, with a principal place of business at …. 1. Definitions 1.1 “Freight” means all charges payable to the Carrier in accordance with Applicable Tariff of this Bill of Lading, including without limitation, storage, demurrage, detention and reefer services. 1.2 All prices are always in dollar and must be paid in dollar currency. 2. Services to Be Provided by the CARRIER and SHIPPER 2.1 CARRIER agrees to transport the booked goods. 2.2 The weight of a container should not be higher than 40ton. 2.3 The Shipment shall be delivered on specified target in bill of ladings. 2.4 In the event that CARRIER fails to meet a scheduled outbound shipment from any Shipper location, CARRIER shall have twenty-four (24) hours from notification electronically by SHIPPER to remedy such failure. If CARRIER does not remedy its failure to perform within the allowed time, CARRIER shall not be entitled to any compensation with respect to the failed shipment, and CARRIER shall be liable to SHIPPER for incremental cost of alternative transportation as well as any storage costs incurred relating to the failure. 2.5 The SHIPPER shall take delivery of the Goods within the time provided for in the Carrier’s Applicable Tariff. If the SHIPPER fails to do so the Carrier shall be entitled, without notice, to unpack the Goods if packed in Containers and / or to store the Goods ashore, afloat, in the open or under cover, at the sole risk of the SHIPPER. 2.6 If the SHIPPER fails to take delivery of the Goods within ten days of delivery, the CARRIER may sell, destroy or dispose of the Goods and apply any proceeds of sale in reduction of the sums due to the CARRIER from the SHIPPER in respect of this Bill of Lading. 2.7 The CARRIER may at any time and without notice to the SHIPPER: (b) transfer the Goods from one conveyance to another, including but not limited to transhipping or carrying them on another Vessel than that named on the back hereof, (c) unpack and remove the Goods which have been packed into a Container and forward them in a Container or otherwise, (d) proceed by any route, place, or port, in its discretion (whether or not the nearest or most direct or customary or advertised route), at any speed, and proceed to or stay at any place or port whatsoever, once or more often and in any order, (e) load or unload the Goods at any place or port (whether or not such port is named overleaf as the Port of Loading or Port of Discharge) and store the Goods at any such place or port. 3. Bill of Lading 3.1 Freight shall be deemed fully earned upon booking of the Goods for the Carriage and shall be paid and non-returnable in any event. Should the SHIPPER cancel the booking of the Goods for the Carriage, at any time and for any reason whatsoever, he shall be liable for the payment to the CARRIER its agents, successors, or assignee, of a penalty equal to the value of the charge, including all charges, costs and expenses deriving from the cancellation of the booking. 3.2 Goods will only be delivered in a Container to the SHIPPER if all Bills of Lading in respect of the contents of the Container have been surrendered authorizing delivery to a single SHIPPER at a single Place of Delivery. In the event that this requirement is not fulfilled the CARRIER may unpack the Container and, in respect of Goods for which Bills of Lading have been surrendered, deliver them to the SHIPPER. 4. Rates, Charges and Payment 4.1 If the SHIPPER fails to pay the Freight upon the due date, CARRIER may at its option either(i) postpone the fulfilment of its own obligations until full payment of the charges; (ii) apply additional 15% monthly interest rate on the amount due until payment is made in full (iii) terminate the contract upon expiry of a seven (7) calendar days written notice of the CARRIER to the SHIPPER which has remained without effect. In the event of a payment delay by the SHIPPER, the CARRIER may also for any new delivery, require payment prior to shipment or suspend or cancel the contract or any pending booking order regardless of the conditions that may have been agreed, without incurring any liabilities whatsoever. 5. Freight Loss, Damage or Delay 5.1 CARRIER shall have the sole and exclusive care, custody and control of the cargo tendered hereunder from the time it is delivered to CARRIER for transportation until delivery to the consignee accompanied by the appropriate receipts. CARRIER shall notify SHIPPER immediately in the event any such cargo is lost (including stolen), damaged or destroyed, or in the event CARRIER becomes aware that applicable delivery schedules will not be met. 5.2 For a claim based on loss, damage or significant delay, notice must be given within thirty (30) days after delivery of the goods; for a claim based on non-delivery, notice must be given within nine (9) months from the date of shipment. The final statement of the claim must be filed within nine (9) months from the date of the shipment, together with a copy of the paid freight bill. 5.3 The CARRIER is liable only for the value of the goods at the time of shipping. The CARRIER is not liable for overhead expenses, lost profits, administration fees, etc.